TREATMENT OF FIRE AGAINST WRINKLES AND FLACIDEZ Hello girls! For the title of the post you will think I'm crazy ... but no, not yet. Today I do not bring any post about beauty tricks for women , rather I bring you a very strange thing that if you do it is because you have gone head. In China they are innovating with a new fire treatment c...
Manicure Corset for short nails Hello Beauty !! Today I show you one of the last easy manicures or nails that I have done, inspire me in a corset, which I like a lot lately, they are sexy and I'm finding them very cheap in stores like aliexpress and company. The manicure is very easy, to make it looks a lot like the manicure of CONVERSE . ...
MY BIRTHDAY GIFTS Hello girls! Today I leave you my birthday gifts. Powders matificantes , I needed them because astor's are running out and I do not know what happens but every time I look whiter, that's why I've decided to change matifying powders and what luck they have given me. Pendant of Cristian Lay , I love it is the fatima hand a...
Very useful applications for android ¡Holachicas !! Today I am going to show you some very useful applications for android , they are suitable applications for all the world, and we left the typical application WhatsApp and Company. The first useful application is Songify , if you like to sing but the intonation is not very good, you'r...