Buy in bottega green and product reviews ¡Holachicas !! Today I wanted to tell you that I went back to to buy in Bottega verde and for that reason I want to give you my opinion about this purchase of online cosmetics , if some of you think I'm sick, after which they messed up the other time when my order never came to me, I remind ...
Raffle of a personalized fragrance Hello Beauty! Today I bring you a new surprise, this time it comes from Sandir and we are going to draw a female cosmetic product . And what is going to be raffled? Well nothing more and nothing less than A PERSONALIZED FRAGRANCE. Now that you are going to be unique :-) The winner will receive a briefin...
Learn languages for free online Hello girls! Today I wanted to tell you about a page called where you can learn free languages . I've been using it for a long time, well I used it before I started blogging, then I got bored with it. But this year one of my purposes was to learn languages you ca...
TREATMENT OF FIRE AGAINST WRINKLES AND FLACIDEZ Hello girls! For the title of the post you will think I'm crazy ... but no, not yet. Today I do not bring any post about beauty tricks for women , rather I bring you a very strange thing that if you do it is because you have gone head. In China they are innovating with a new fire treatment c...