¡Hola Belleza !! Today in this beauty blog I bring you some tricks for remove black dots , because they are ugly and look very ugly . What we should know about the black dots? The first thing we should know is the black dots are formed because we have very open pores and if we are constant with a Good cleaning is filled with fat and sooner or later they will appear. The most normal thing is to find them in the nose although they can also appear on the cheeks, forehead and cheekbones. And i..

Beauty tricks to eliminate blackheads

¡Hola Belleza !!
Today in this beauty blog I bring you some tricks for remove black dots , because they are ugly and look very ugly .

What we should know about the black dots?

The first thing we should know is the black dots are formed because we have very open pores and if we are constant with a Good cleaning is filled with fat and sooner or later they will appear.
The most normal thing is to find them in the nose although they can also appear on the cheeks, forehead and cheekbones. And if the dirt is excessive, this is not because you do not wash, but because you may have a very hard job, they can come out on practically the whole face.
And if you are the one who loves to pinch them you will end up looking like a colander , so do not do it this way, there are much more effective and hygienic solutions. Hold your hand!

Beauty tips to eliminate black spots:

1. Use exfoliating masks of tomato, aloe vera and salt. You can find them in any perfumery or large surfaces.
We can also make ourselves a homemade mask , for this we will need:
- A yogurt.
- Medium and crushed medium cucumber or milkshake.
- Some parsley leaves.
We take all the ingredients, mix them and wait a few hours until we are left as a species depasta. After about 10 or 15 minutes, we remove it and wash our face with cold water.
2. Having a good cleaning is essential to remove blackheads , novae today I do not unshackle that for a day nothing happens. If today you do not temasmaquilla the shit accumulates and tomorrow you will not be able to remove it all.
3. You can use specific masks for the black points, for example you can read my opinion about the masks Herbal conk mask nolos eliminates totally but if you notice that they improve. So far they are the best masks I've tested for this purpose.
If you do not want to spend money over time I have I learned to make homemade strips to remove black dots myself at home, and you can see it at:

4. Perform steam baths , receive the steam for about 5 or 10 minutes on the face (it is somewhat uncomfortable) and then apply the mask to make it easier for all the dirt to go, finally wash the face with cold water, so that the pores become closer, in this way the black points will be eliminated .

5. Before trying to remove them with the fingers that we know, I recommend you use this contraption sold in Buyincoins , it hurts the same but no marks, its price is $ 1.19 and come two.
6.I have tried so far have not served for absolutely nothing. If you have tried some good ones, put it in the comments.
7. With lemon juice , we take a little of this and put it on a disc-remover. Then we apply it on the area of ​​small black dots and soft little touches. If you have oily skin directly apply the juice as it comes out of the lemon. Conversely, if your skin is dry or irritated easily, break it with a little water.
This homemade remedy we have to do it about 2 or 3 times a week.

Mini daily beauty tricks to eliminate black spots:

-Try not to touch your face with your hands in excess, as we will stick many bacteria, because hands go everywhere.
- To remove blackheads , you can not forget to wash your face every day at least 3 times.
- If tucabello is fatty you'll have to have it always clean or otherwise you will lose the hair grease to the face.
-It performs an exfoliation once a week, to remove black spots and dead skin.

Did you know these? beauty tips to remove black spots ?

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