Hello girls! Today I leave you an easy manicure and original to do for short nails, because there are girls that we are unable to leave them long no matter how hard we try. This manicure has no joke in pink and black with a heart in the middle, I really did it in the time of St. Valentine comes with a little delay, but also serves for any time of year. Do you like this manicure so easy? Do you like for San Valentina? Author: Melyssa PG, beauty and cosmetics blogger

Very easy and simple manicure

Hello girls!
Today I leave you an easy manicure and original to do for short nails, because there are girls that we are unable to leave them long no matter how hard we try.
This manicure has no joke in pink and black with a heart in the middle, I really did it in the time of St. Valentine comes with a little delay, but also serves for any time of year.
Do you like this manicure so easy? Do you like for San Valentina?

Author: Melyssa PG, beauty and cosmetics blogger

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