Brilliant to the pan, my opinion. Hello girls! Most of you will already know Trnd, well a few weeks ago they took me for the project Brilliant to the pan !! Many times we like rice dishes or fideuá, but the lack of time, not having the ingredients or our little experience before the stove makes us change our options. Now, Brillante ma...
The best tricks to remove red hair Finish them quickly! Hello Beauties! Raise your hand who has never had any ingrown hair in your mountain body, or what is usually more common in legs or intimate areas . I think very few women have raised it, that's sign that it will be rare for the woman that has not been ever incarnated or buried as y...
Put link in a blogger comment Hello girls! Today I'm going to give you a trick, when we go through other blogs we usually leave our signature type but of course this if the person you have left it wants to see your blog, because it gives a bit of laziness have to copy or paste (or give it to ...
My opinion of Lingerie-sexy Hello girls! Today I bring you a different entry, this time it is a collaboration with a store that I have known of sexy lingerie, this has a wide catalog of tantomasculina as feminine and most sexy. They have corsets, leggings, bodices, pics ... well they are all very sexy. They gave me the opportunity to choose w...