¡Holachicas !! Today I am going to show you some very useful applications for android , they are suitable applications for all the world, and we left the typical application WhatsApp and Company. The first useful application is Songify , if you like to sing but the intonation is not very good, you're already saved haha ​​you grab a bit and this app converts it into song and puts tone, also removing some defects. This application is free. Discovr Music , this application analyzes your taste..

Very useful applications for android

¡Holachicas !!
Today I am going to show you some very useful applications for android , they are suitable applications for all the world, and we left the typical application WhatsApp and Company.
The first useful application is Songify , if you like to sing but the intonation is not very good, you're already saved haha ​​you grab a bit and this app converts it into song and puts tone, also removing some defects.
This application is free.
Discovr Music , this application analyzes your tastes and gives you to know music similar to the ones you usually listen to. Its price is € 1.59 is not very expensive but if we find a free one that has the same function, much better. I'll keep looking.
Wherever Workout Do you want to exercise but do you not have time? Well, you no longer have an excuse, Why this application has all kinds of exercises to do anywhere, home, office ... And for all parts of the body.
It's hard for me to exercise and when I get into it "Jo, I should exercise now", I put this application and try. Just try it because after two days I'm back to forget.
The application is quite good and is free, the only drawback is that it is in English, but to see the videos this is not a problem.
Elle gourmet: In this application you will find many original appetizers, desserts, and all kinds of recipes at any time. The best thing is that you can take the recipe wherever you want. I am a lot of recipes Blog recipes, but I always have to go to look at the computer, with this application the fact is that it is much easier.
It's free.
Free daily workouts: has a series of daily exercises, fast and effective exercise routines for both men and women. If you want to get fit, this android application can not miss on your mobile, this is also free.
Untraviolet Index: This application indicates you the degree of ultraviolet radiation. I find it very useful because we already know what protection factor we should use, and when we should not expose ourselves to the sun.
It's free to download.
Hair makeover: If you want to cut your hair, but do not teatreves because you do not know how this application will look like. You take a picture and you can try the different haircuts and try which one feels better and how you will look. It's free.
What do you think of these useful applications for android ?

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