Hello Beauties! Raise your hand who has never had any ingrown hair in your mountain body, or what is usually more common in legs or intimate areas . I think very few women have raised it, that's sign that it will be rare for the woman that has not been ever incarnated or buried as you want to call it a hair either in the leg, in the armpits, in English or in any other part of the body, but the truth is that nobody gets rid of them. What is a hair incarnate or hair encysted ? A cystic hair is one..

The best tricks to remove red hair Finish them quickly!

Hello Beauties!
Raise your hand who has never had any ingrown hair in your mountain body, or what is usually more common in legs or intimate areas .
I think very few women have raised it, that's sign that it will be rare for the woman that has not been ever incarnated or buried as you want to call it a hair either in the leg, in the armpits, in English or in any other part of the body, but the truth is that nobody gets rid of them.

What is a hair incarnate or hair encysted ?

A cystic hair is one that rises above itself and begins to accrete again in the follicle, or a hair that does not grow outside the follicle and dry embedded in the skin. Pelnoscarnados can affect the face, neck, legs or any part of the body. That is, if you notice these hairs can not come out because they do not have enough strength and grow inward instead of outward.
Small irritations that can be painful or unpleasant are usually created, they tend to sting enough and if we scratch a lot we can get wounds that can get infected and turn out to be much worse.
Sometimes when the thing is not very serious they can come out easily, we just press on the area where the hair is locked and it will come out with the "pus" when we squeeze a grain, and that pus will already bring the hair dragging.
Sometimes you will see that in a very long ingrown hair, it may take centuries to go inside but you still have not noticed, in these cases they tend to be curly, they will smell bad and we should remove them as soon as possible.

Solution to remove the pelzencarnados that do not come out f easily:

1. Exfoliate the skin : with this we eliminate the dead cells that are no more than the pieces of skin we say old that we no longer need and that are obstructing the exit of the cystic hair, by eliminating the dead cells our hair will have to make less force to be able to leave.
2. Apply a little toothpaste or a pad moistened with 90 ° alcohol on the hair. This will make the skeleton expel the "pus" and with it it will be easier for the hair to come behind her.
3. Clean well the hair removal machine, this is not to get the hair out. but if to prevent us from becoming entangled again.
4. Try to remove it with the tweezers of the eyebrows , what I do is carefully remove a little of the skin, with this you have to be very careful, do not make a butcher and if I notice that it hurts, besides what It is better to disinfect the tweezers first, then pull the cystic hair very carefully and when the tip comes out it hits the tug.

Maybe it's not the best trick, but it's what works best for me, when I've tried everything and the other tricks to eliminate them do not work.

5. Use daily a hard sponge or horsehair glove. Aligual that the first point this what it does is that we eliminate the dead cells and the hairs do not remain encysted.
6. As we have already mentioned, these ingrown hairs separate the grains very much.The homemade beauty trick , we heat milk, but without getting to burn a lot, we put pieces of bread and this we will be placing on the embedded hairs for 2 - 3 minutes. This beauty trick for women is good to carry out for 3 - 4 times a week until the hair is removed.
8. Aloe Vera, this pot is ideal for people who like to take care of themselves because they have some tricks, one of them will be useful for our post today, but as this is a beauty blog you will see that I speak to you of this pot in more than one occasion.
We place elgel de aloe vera that is taken out of the leaves every night before we go to sleep in the ingrown hairs of the legs or the area where you have it.
9. The huevono only serves to eat . We take an egg and we are left with the membrane of this, which is the white skin that it has in the shell.
We take the membrane and place it on the area of ​​red hair, we leave it on until it shrinks and dries .
10. The last Beauty trick today is to enter a cotton ball in witch hazel and apply it to the area of ​​the cystic hair. This will make your skin irritated and the odious little hair come out.

In addition to these beauty tricks to remove the encysted hairs , I also bring you some to prevent us from leaving :

1. If you are one of the girls who waxed at home, avoid passing the wax band several times in the same place.
2. If your hair removal method is the blade you will have to do it correctly. You have to soften your skin with water and neutral soap. Then start shaving in the opposite direction to the beautiful.
3. Do not over-use tight clothes, not only bad for incarnated hairs but for many more things as we saw. Beware of tight clothing!
4. If you are going to shave wax with a good option so that the hairs come out better, it is first washed with hot water, this causes the pores to expand.

And do you also have a continuous war against the horrible pelzencarnados ? Are you going to try these beauty tricks parasacarlos?

Author: MelyssaPG, beauty and cosmetics blogger

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