A thousand last low cost purchases
Aloe vera cream. This I bought in a super local but I'm sure you can find it in any bazaar or department store. I like aloe vera a lot, that's why I decided to try this cream.
I've been trying it for several days and although it's not bad, I would not buy it again either. Of aloe vera has a little, is slowly absorbed and is a little "Chinorri", Its size is 500ml, and its price 1.10 €
De cosmetic deliplus I bought this reducing cellulite cream I think it cost around € 3.
It's not the best anti-cellulite cream in the world, but in quality/price ratio is very good. Of course this is fine and you will see reduced cellulite if you complement it with a good diet and sports.
If you do not play sports or have a good diet, it will not work, but neither this Mercadona anti-cellulite cream, nor any.
Antiestria Cream , also from deliplus cosmetics . Enter the Mercadona and leave empty-handed is impossible mission.
Its price is € 6, I have not yet tried, but I'll tell you later that such has gone with this cream.
Baby wipes also from Mercadona. Although they are for babies I use them for everyone, to clean my hands, to clean my sports shoes, they are multipurpose. Price 1.50 € and 80 wipes come.
Top Inside, I bought it on sale for a price of € 5.50. Position is very cute.
Skirts stradivarius. Suprecio € 5, I do not think I use them much, but for the price they have I think it's a good buy.
T-shirt with calaberas from a Chinese bazaar. On the back is very beautiful and its price is € 4.50
Top stradivarius € 5. It's great for girls who like to show their bellies.
What do you think about my latest low cost shopping? ? Do you like the cosmetic deliplus ? Besitos