Hello girls! Today I leave you my birthday gifts. Powders matificantes , I needed them because astor's are running out and I do not know what happens but every time I look whiter, that's why I've decided to change matifying powders and what luck they have given me. Pendant of Cristian Lay , I love it is the fatima hand and apart they say it gives good luck. Ring of Cristian lay, bathed in silver, this one also wanted him. Shirt orange, although it is not an orange chillon because I can not stand..


Hello girls!
Today I leave you my birthday gifts.
Powders matificantes , I needed them because astor's are running out and I do not know what happens but every time I look whiter, that's why I've decided to change matifying powders and what luck they have given me.
matifying powder
Pendant of Cristian Lay , I love it is the fatima hand and apart they say it gives good luck.
christian lay pendant

Ring of Cristian lay, bathed in silver, this one also wanted him.

 ring cristian lay

Shirt orange, although it is not an orange chillon because I can not stand it, what I like the most is the part of the back.

orange shirt

Leather belt, I like it because it is unique (made by hand), these are those that practically last a lifetime.

leather belt
 leather craft belt
Lingerie set of the Gisela brand, this I like it a lot.
c injunto lingerie gisela
This scarf is a marvel!

MANICURE FLAGS Hello girls! Today I leave you a new easy manicure, in this case of Flags , This manicure is done because I participate in the challenge organized by the blog http://lovingcosmetic.blogspot.com.es almost did not arrive on time but in the end here is the manicure, this time had to be inspired by flags . I have chosen to do...

fatima hand

Lucky charms Hello girls! Today I come with a rare, rare entry of lucky charms . The other day I showed you my birthday gifts that you can see them here, as you could see, they gave me a necklace, which I had chosen without realizing because they showed me the catalog and they told me which one like? and I ignorant of me I told them what I ...


The good thing about being a blogger Good morning girls! Yesterday I wrote the post of WHAT I HATE TO BE BLOGGER, and as I told you today, it's about the good things, always I leave the good for the end :-) Good less when it's food than if it's something I like I eat it before, I do not want someone to come and take it from me. The truth...


Serious bikes are fun 18.02.2020 Author: starbeautycorp.com ...