Hello Beauty !! As some of you already know for a while that I have glasses ahhh I hated them at first, then I get used to them because it's not so bad, I know I'll always have the option to do it, and although I've thought about it many times, the truth is that I always end up leaving it because it scares me . I'm not a friend of doctors or hospitals, and in this case fear beats aesthetics. As I know there will be many girls and women in the same situation as me, today I bring you some makeup t..

Makeup for girls with glasses

Hello Beauty !!
As some of you already know for a while that I have glasses ahhh I hated them at first, then I get used to them because it's not so bad, I know I'll always have the option to do it, and although I've thought about it many times, the truth is that I always end up leaving it because it scares me .
I'm not a friend of doctors or hospitals, and in this case fear beats aesthetics.
As I know there will be many girls and women in the same situation as me, today I bring you some makeup tricks from " Makeup for girls with glasses ".
Because even if we have glasses we can look pretty as others or even more.
- For a good makeup if you have glasses, in the eyes use a simple makeup, use shadows and eyel iner neutral bright colors we are going to leave for the lips, in this case not blind that the eyes stand out too much since they will focus all the looks on the glasses.
- The glasses make me deviate the attention on your eyebrows therefore you have to have them well defined. For example, I have my eyebrows, like when I was 5 years old, I can not shave for months. In this case, what I do is fill them in or paint them in a darker color.
You can do it with a special pencil for eyebrows or if you do not have an eye shadow that is similar to hairs from this area. Gently apply it with a brush and remove the excess makeup so that they go natural.
- If you are myopic your eyes will look smaller, use clear and intense shadows and Outline the outline of the eyes by intense use a brown or eyeliner site much like black you can use it but prevents it from being too intense.
You can also pass the eye mask several times through the eyelashes. tab to give it more volume.
- If you have hyperopia use mats and neutral shades, also using a pencil of the same shade as the shadow to define the upper lashes and do not use false eyelashes.
- On the lips we will put a powerful color and call a lot of attention so that the eyes are stuck in our mouths. In this case the ideal color is passion red, but if you are not so daring you can use a dark brown.
- When applying the shadow, I recommend using a shadow base. This will not make your makeup look much better, but it will make if you lose those little pieces the shadows will be left hanging on the glass of the glasses. Why it looks very ugly.
- If you have dark circles, do not cry that you will get more.Preview
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