Very easy and simple manicure Hello girls! Today I leave you an easy manicure and original to do for short nails, because there are girls that we are unable to leave them long no matter how hard we try. This manicure has no joke in pink and black with a heart in the middle, I really did it in the time of St. Valentine comes with a litt...
Makeup for girls with glasses Hello Beauty !! As some of you already know for a while that I have glasses ahhh I hated them at first, then I get used to them because it's not so bad, I know I'll always have the option to do it, and although I've thought about it many times, the truth is that I always end up leaving it because it scares me ....
Whatsapp or LINE? Hello girls! Last week they cut me Whatsap, aiss almost gives me something at that moment, do not pay, and not for the 80 misers cents that ask, but because their payment methods are horrific! with how easy it is to have your mobile balance removed or pay with paypal and what they like to complicate our lives. That's ...
TREATMENT OF FIRE AGAINST WRINKLES AND FLACIDEZ Hello girls! For the title of the post you will think I'm crazy ... but no, not yet. Today I do not bring any post about beauty tricks for women , rather I bring you a very strange thing that if you do it is because you have gone head. In China they are innovating with a new fire treatment c...
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